Finances regardless of your circumstances can cause you to feel under pressure and stressed. So when it comes to divorce or civil partnership dissolution and financial arrangements the help of an expert to guide and advise you will really work to combat this.
Housing payments, child care support, living allowances, joint debts, all these can be addressed and managed in the fairest way possible according to your circumstances.
Our family law finance experts will work with you to resolve any issues swiftly, discretely and efficiently. We do not believe in prolonging a process unnecessarily as we know you want to move forward with your life as quickly as possible.
However you feel most comfortable, the family team at Pengelly & Rylands Solicitors in Tenterden can help you to agree:
- what should happen to the family home and any further properties you or your partner own, both here and abroad;
- how other assets or personal possessions should be split;
- how money in the bank and investments should be shared;
- what should happen to inherited money and income received from a trust;
- how pensions ought to be dealt with;
- how business interests should to be valued;
- who should be responsible for paying any debts; and
- the amount of maintenance that should be paid to you and your children.
By taking a collaborative law approach or via family mediation where appropriate, our experienced lawyers can help you to negotiate a legally enforceable agreement. They can also, if needed, refer matters to the court if the third party is refusing to cooperate or if you believe assets and money have been undisclosed or obscured.
Please note in any cases involving domestic violence or abuse, mediation will not be considered.
Advising families throughout Tenterden, Kent and beyond
We have offices in in Tenterden, Maidstone, Gravesend, Tonbridge, and Chatham. where we can meet you to discuss your requirements.
We can also offer meetings by skype for clients who have to travel extensively or who now live abroad. In exceptional circumstances, home visits can also be arranged.
Fixed cost initial appointment
We offer an initial 30 minute appointment to discuss your requirements from £125 plus VAT.
Get in touch with our financial arrangements solicitors in Tenterden, Kent
Call us on 01580 762248 if you need our help. Alternatively please complete our Contact Us form and we will be in touch as soon as possible.